Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Eh. No sarcastic commentary today. Just a shot of this bypass that I thought was kind of cool. The Japanese love of nature may be greatly exaggerated in the West, but they do know how to make scenic highways.

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Today's post has nothing to do with Japan. I just wanted to post this picture of the desolate, barren, lifeless surface of mars...

...to give y'all an idea of what my sex life is like (^o^)

Monday, November 07, 2005

Bad Santa, Bad!

Man, please tell me those aren't Santa's big, bouncy white balls dangling out there in the open air. I was with my daughter when we espied this inflated Santy in a shopping arcade. I didn't know whether to say "Ooooh, look! It's Santa-san!" or "COVER YOUR EYES! LOOK AWAY!"