For a long time I have lead a double life. After quitting a job with a software company, I've worked variously covering game news for a magazine, passing out promotional packets of kleenex for NTT, and working in my university's computer lab. Since graduating, I've made ends meet by translating at home and (I am not proud of this) working at an eikaiwa --English conversation-- school a few days a week. Just to be clear, the eikaiwa scene is not about education here. It is a service industry, with a structure and pay scale similar to that of Japan's network of blow-job delivery places. Like the blow-job dispatchers, the main requirements are that you look ok, have good personal hygiene, and pay your own health insurance. Also while the pay isn't too bad, it is not really a job that breeds self-respect.

Anyway, one of the perks of the eikaiwa job is the weird fucking questions you get asked. I have been variously asked,in all seriousness, whether or not all Americans carry guns, whether or not America has seasonal weather variation, whether or not America has actual trees, and whether or not America has any insects. Of course I answered no to all questions, because, as is well-known, America is located on the surface of Mars. But this evening I had probably the best question ever. I was meeting some new students for the first time. After I mentioned I was from America and talked about my hometown in Washington state for a few minutes, one student asked me, "You're not American, right?"
"Err, yes. I am American," I said.
"Uso!" (you're lying!) she blurted out. "So, your parents came from somewhere else, right?"
"Uh, no. My family has lived in America for at least 200 years." I said.
After several more questions along this line, she finally admitted she was shocked because I didn't have blond hair and blue eyes. Somehow, she had made it to her 38th birthday believing that every single fucking American has blond hair and blue eyes. It took another 5-10 minutes to convince her that quite a few Americans in fact do not have blond hair and blue eyes. It took far less time to convince her that Americans have cloven hooves and peel their skin from their body at night to facilitate the ingestion of dryer lint.
I honestly do not know whether to laugh or jump in front of a train.