Man, urban Japan is awash in SEX, and odd little semi-seedy, semi-respectable streets litter this fine nation. Adjacent to a building housing a fetish underwear shop on the first floor and strip clubs on the second, you find a definitely non-fetish shoe shop run by a saintly white haired granny. In the dead center of a residential area, crammed with immaculate vinyl-sided homes and stucco apartments, a hard-core porn shop might open, right between the neighborhood 7-11 and the barber where mom gets her hair permed.
It was in a neighborhood such as this that I found the Starbox Image Club. It appears to be some sort of cosplay strip-joint, though I was not willing to risk my marriage by going in and confirming this. I’m not sure which aspect of the logo I liked best -the brazen co-optation of one of America’s flagship brands of hegemony, the double meaning of the word ‘box’, or the likelihood that the proprietor was oblivious to this double meaning.
You like the Starbox, dontcha Mr. K?
cosplay clubs destroy marraiges?
You poor things.
> cosplay clubs destroy marraiges?
> You poor things.
Guess it depends on what your spouse's kink is... my spouse would not have much of a sense of humor about me visiting a cosplay club (but more because of the monetary output it'd entail than any perceived infidelity).
How much would a going to a cosplay club would cost, anyway?
I like goings to cosplay club. I like also the morning musume... you don't like the morning musume, Mr. Yamatonokuni? The morning musume is beautiful and sing good to listen. I am japanese and I am rorikon. I like english too. I like writing and comunicating with american. Be my friend? A going to a cosplay club would go expensive?
First "Mr. K": I am fiercely proud to acknowledge that I have no clue what rates for Cosplay clubs run. My guess is they're on the 5000 yen per-drink system.
Second "Mr. K", the Morning Musume provide vast amounts of unintentional humour whenever they attempt to speak. This aspect I indeed enjoy. Notwithstanding, I find it creepy that their demographic is 30-45 year-old males, rather than (or perhaps in addition to) middle school kids.
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