A HUGE b-day shoutout to our MAIN FUCKING MAN Mr. Kura! An even bigger Japan geek than yours truly, this guy knows more kanji than your average kokugo professor, but is so humble about it you'd never notice until you realized he was calmly sitting next to you on the subway reading something written in the 1750s without a dictionary!
Otanjobi Omedeto! Try not to hack anyone's head off this year (you will NOT get the Quickening that way, despite what you've seen on Highlander...I know, I've tried!)
PS. If you want a B-day greeting, tell me when your freakin' birthday is!!
Mr. Kura sucks... I am Mr. Kurgan!!! I am the one, the only one, I am the god of kingdom come, so gimme the prize... just gimme the prize!!! Give me your kings, let me squeeze them in my hands... Your puny princes, your so-called leaders of your land... I'll eat them whole before I'm done, the battle's fought and the game is won, I am the only one, I am the god of kingdom come, so gimme the prize!!! Just gimme the prize!!!
Doh! Who let the Kurgan in? Didnt McCleod kill you?? To Queen no less?
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