Ah Japan, ye land of weird ass snack foods. No sooner was the ink dry on the pudding blurb then I remembered this piece of work. These Karamucho sugarless candies are flavored with zesty artificial pineapple and .03 mg of RAW CAPSAICIN. The package warns that ingesting too many may cause “loose bowels".
Has anyone considered writing a
"Random Japanese Dessert Treat Generator"? I'm convinced it would be a hit with the folks over at Glica. There would have to be three elements to each "Treat"
one 'foreign' ingredient
one 'japanese' ingredient
one seemingly extraneous packaging element (see Men's Pocky, etc.)
Hey, I noticed that this guy runs another a very similar blog but in what looks to be Japanese. They seem to be getting content that we behind the english language wall do not receive. I for one ridicule this initiative. Soon many people may feel they can create content in Japanese rather than translate web pages with Babelfish as our ancestors have always done. Nothing good has ever come from change, mark my words!
Ahhh! My two ancient nemeses (nemesi?) have returned! I will never forgive Dread Pirate Orange for that time he blew up my Lvl. 4 Armored Shuttle with his stolen Taidan Assault Frigate. And Pat Robertson once tried to encase me in cream cheese and entomb me between two giant Ritz crackers. I will not fall into your cunning traps this time gentlemen!
Hello, I represent a U.S.-based community group combating the pervasive influence of internet pornography on our families. Recently I discovered that my son had received a "lolicon" comic from one of his friends. The comic mainly dealt with the sexualization of younger women of non-specific ethnic background. I immediately went on the internet and began trying to find as many of these images as possible. Some people find it strange that I spend 2-3 hours per day online downloading "lolicon" but it is a price I enthusiastically pay for my family values. I have contacted you because frankly I at is difficult for me to find really good "lolicon" images which are not already in my research archive. In particular I am interested in images with sailors uniform... or ballerinas especially with ballet shoes. (pink, with lace-ups past the ankle!) As you are located in Japan I was hoping that your proximity to the source of this dreck would allow you easier access. I would be willing to pay handsomely for any such materials, I hope that money orders will be acceptable. (I will contact you with a PO Box later)
thank you again,
Jonothan Oaks
Family-First 4 God (praise him!)
"It's all about the children!"
I just want to say that despite his recent legal issues I continue to support the moderator. One may questions his methods but the streets of Japan are no doubt safer thanks to Yamatonokuni! Frankly, if police spent more of their time chasing criminals and less time prosecuting masked vigilantes we would all be safer.
Godspeed Yamatonokuni!
Hey family dude! Always glad to meet another righteous knight in the crusade to bring morality to these jungle-dwelling savages. Man, I wish I could fulfill your request, but I am already exporting something like 9 cubic meters of printed material per month. Frankly, I think any more is going to make the port authority suspicious of my NPO status. But, you can always check out JList.com, or contact my biggest consumer of loliporn: Mr. Bill O'Reilly (who conincidentally also requested materials related to ballerinas and sailor suits -small world). He might be willing to share.
Man, word of my legal problems spread faster than I imagined! As Mr. Smyth mentioned, the cops indeed put the smackdown on me as I was patrolling the crowded subways of Tokyo in drag and liberating many helpless watches, rings and billfolds from the cruel oppression of bourgeois capitalist imperialists.
There is nothing as boring as someone who chooses to use public space to practice HTML tags...
for example posting in italics
or hilarious fonts!
can comments use size strings? what a clever experiment!
Yippee! now we know what Blogger allows
I have no idea what this "HTML" is, but I'm sure it's just another IT fad, soon to be forgotten like that LOGO bullshit. Stupid turtle. I never could get my picture of Trotsky taking a dump to turn out. The turd kept rendering in Troksy's mustache.
What is the origin of the word "blog".
The word blog has a long and distinguished history. It originated in pre-Revolutionary France as "le bloggette", derived in turn from the diminutive form of the verb "blogger" referring, of course, to the aristocracy's practice of posting pages from their personal journals on the walls of "le loo". Other visitors would scribble their observations and comments in the margins and corners, giving birth to perhaps the first ever user forums. Sadly, this art largely died out with the aristocracy, but continues in spirit in the thousands of witty and intelligent comments left each day on bathroom walls the world over.
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