Vandalism in this country cracks me up. I love the fact that whoever defaced this official police phone box was too polite to actually write directly on the box, choosing to write his views on a sticker instead. Seriously though, what did the constabulary do to cheese this rogue sticker-affixer off? In my ten years of living here I think I’ve seen a cop actually on patrol maybe once. How can the man oppress the masses when he’s playing mah-jongg on his GameBoy in his police box?
So I was wondering, did you inform the police of this vandalism. Graffiti is a serious problem which needs to be addressed by not only the authorities, but also, more importantly, by the general citizenry. Together we can make a difference!!
No, but I did cross out the word "fuckin" and replace it with "gosh darn".
Oh, you did? A little bit troubling in that the graffiti remains, but I think that you are well intentioned in your effort to eliminate profanity from the streets. And I really do feel that together we can make a difference!!!
I believe the only solution to Japan's graffiti epidemic is to remove the corrosive influence of english language education. As most people know Japanese is a more 'pure' language than English. It should not be suprising that learning to express yourself in an impure language leaves a 'thought residue' which can corrupt even Japanese language thought. A month-long course of biofeedback and grape juice enemas has been shown to dramatically reduce unwanted 'thought residue' but trace amounts persist and may never be fully eliminated.
Yes, sadly Japanese children are forced to endure an English curriculum which teaches them such protofascist phrases as "Is it 6 o'clock yet?", "This is YOUR pen." and "Wow! A time machine!" Having been fed such blatant imperial propaganda for so many years, it is no wonder that the Japanese foster such anti-authoritarianism.
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